Welcome To The Fellowship!
Welcome To The Fellowship!
I am so glad you are here. There is a lot of cool stuff going on around here and I'm really glad you are going to be a part of it!
Be sure to join my FREE Facebook group called Soul Supporters here:
This community is full of people who believe in the healing power of music. I don't know about you, but music has saved my life so many times. In particular, hip-hop music. I actually wrote a blog post about that you might enjoy. You can check it out by clicking HERE.
I would love to hear from you and hear more about your story. You can hit me up anytime at my personal email address which is chris@soulmotivationrecords.com. I get a lot of emails but give me a little time and I will respond.
I would also really love to hear what I can do to help you. The whole reason I got into this music game was to encourage people. What kind of blog posts or videos do you need in your life? What kind of merchandise would you like to have? What kind of songs inspire you? Any and all suggestions are always welcome so let me have it! You never know. I may just use your suggestion.
You can check out more of my music, t-shirts, hats and more here:
Once again, welcome to the family. I hope you know you are never alone.
I'm glad you are here.
- Chris